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Letter P
Packages beginning with letter "P".
php -
PHP scripting language for creating dynamic web sites
php-bcmath -
A module for PHP applications for using the bcmath library
php-cli -
Command-line interface for PHP
php-common -
Common files for PHP
php-dba -
A database abstraction layer module for PHP applications
php-debuginfo -
Debug information for package php
php-devel -
Files needed for building PHP extensions
php-eaccelerator -
PHP accelerator, optimizer, encoder and dynamic content cacher
php-embedded -
PHP library for embedding in applications
php-enchant -
Human Language and Character Encoding Support
php-fpm -
PHP FastCGI Process Manager
php-gd -
A module for PHP applications for using the gd graphics library
php-imap -
A module for PHP applications that use IMAP
php-intl -
Internationalization extension for PHP applications
php-ioncube-loader -
PHP Ioncube Loader
php-ldap -
A module for PHP applications that use LDAP
php-mbstring -
A module for PHP applications which need multi-byte string handling
php-mcrypt -
Standard PHP module provides mcrypt library support
php-mssql -
MSSQL database module for PHP
php-mysql -
A module for PHP applications that use MySQL databases
php-mysqlnd -
A module for PHP applications that use MySQL databases
php-odbc -
A module for PHP applications that use ODBC databases
php-pdo -
A database access abstraction module for PHP applications
php-pecl-apc -
APC caches and optimizes PHP intermediate code
php-pecl-apc-devel -
APC developer files (header)
php-pecl-memcache -
Extension to work with the Memcached caching daemon
php-pgsql -
A PostgreSQL database module for PHP
php-process -
Modules for PHP script using system process interfaces
php-pspell -
A module for PHP applications for using pspell interfaces
php-recode -
A module for PHP applications for using the recode library
php-snmp -
A module for PHP applications that query SNMP-managed devices
php-soap -
A module for PHP applications that use the SOAP protocol
php-sqlite -
Extension for the SQLite V2 Embeddable SQL Database Engine
php-suhosin -
Advanced protection system for PHP installations
php-tidy -
Standard PHP module provides tidy library support
php-xcache -
Fast, stable PHP opcode cacher
php-xml -
A module for PHP applications which use XML
php-xmlrpc -
A module for PHP applications which use the XML-RPC protocol
php-zend-guard-loader -
PHP Zend Guard
plesk-php52-panda -
Plesk PHP Panda is a multi-version php suite
plesk-php53-panda -
Plesk PHP 5.3 Panda is a multi-version php suite